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Management Development Certificate Program (MDP Certification)

Nobody told them that being a good supervisor would be easy.  In fact, in some organizations, nobody tells them anything about being a supervisor.  Avoid the problems of the new supervisor not knowing what to do and who to ask.  Provide your first-line supervisors or potential supervisors with the basic skills needed to make a smooth transition from doing the work to managing the work.

In the MDP program, the content of each seminar builds on the other so that at the end of the series, the participants will have the needed skills to perform each function effectively and efficiently.   Although some seminars are a required part of the series, seminars can be added or changed according to your training needs.  Supervisors that are not enrolled in the MDP program can attend one or more of the individual seminars and will get a certificate for the ones they have attended.  Supervisors who have completed the entire series will get certification that they have completed the program.

Who Should Attend:  Potential or new supervisors.  Supervisors, who may be in the job, but have had no formal training.  Supervisors, who have had formal training, but are having difficulties performing the supervisory function or need a refresher course.

Methodology:  This program utilizes lecture, video, case studies, group discussion, structured exercises, practice exercises, assessment tools, on-the-job assignments, question and answer segments.


Learning Objectives:

  • To identify the characteristics of an exceptional supervisor through personal experiences
  • To understand the effects of poor supervision on productivity and morale
  • To assess your management style on the basis of task vs. people orientation
  • To understand how position and personal power impacts on influence behavior

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  Self-assessment of Best Boss Characteristics
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the principles of effective communication
  • To clarify and verify your message
  • To understand how non-verbal messages impact on communication
  • To practice active listening skills in a pro-con situation
  • To assess the impact of personality on communication style

Pre-work:  Complete Myers Briggs Type Inventory
Assignment:  Self-assessment on Communication Skills Inventory
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:    

  • To understand the difference between coaching for improved performance, counseling problem employees and challenging exceptional employees
  • To understand how constructive criticism changes behavior
  • To experience how different levels of coaching impact on performance
  • To develop a performance improvement plan for an employee whose performance: is below requirements, meets requirements and exceeds requirements

Pre-work:  None
Assignment: Self-assessment on the Art of Feedback instrument.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To identify the difference between management and leadership
  • To understand the concepts of various leadership theories
  • To get feedback on your strengths and areas for development
  • To assess your leadership style using the Situational Leadership Model
  • To create a shared vision for your workgroup or department

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  Meet with staff to create a shared vision for the future of the department.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To identify what makes an effective team
  • To experience the impact of competition and collaboration on teamwork
  • To practice collaborative problem solving in a teamwork environment
  • To understand the 4R model and assess your work team

Pre-work:  Assess your work team using the T.E.A.M. Effectiveness Survey.
Assignment:  Have on-the-job team members complete and discuss the survey.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the Maslow, Herzberg, and Expectancy theories of motivation
  • To identify individual motivation patterns
  • To identify what motivates your direct reports
  • To understand the work environment factors that influence performance

Pre-work:  The manager and a direct report complete the individual Motivation Inventory.
Assignment:  Discuss results of Motivation Inventory with direct report and compare your responses with theirs.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • A basic knowledge of Federal and State employment laws as they apply to race, color, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religious and disability discrimination
  • A basic understanding of how common law TORT and negligence claims are impacting the workplace
  • What constitutes sexual harassment and how to deal with it in the workplace
  • A basic knowledge of the impact of employment law on selection interviewing, performance appraisal, disciplinary action and termination
  • To practice making decisions on how to handle potential legal problems using case study situations

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  None
Time: 6 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • How to prepare for the interview, including reviewing a resume
  • How to conduct a structured interview with behavioral objectives
  • How to ask only legal questions and comply with ADA requirements
  • How to assess the candidate and evaluate the results of the interview
  • How to maintain interview documentation

Pre-work:  Bring in an updated copy of your resume.
Assignment:  None
Time: 6 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To analyze the specific factors that help you make the most of the boss-employee relationship
  • To find a compatible communication and work style
  • To learn the positives and negatives of various persuasion strategies for influencing upwards
  • To communicate assertively and negotiate agreements that work

Pre-work:  Bring in your manager’s Myers Briggs Personality Type
Assignment:  Meet with manager to compare your assessment of his/her goals, priorities, etc.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • An understanding of how conflict can escalate in stages
  • To learn five different strategies for handling conflict and when to use them
  • To learn a process for handling conflict between staff members
  • To learn a process for handling conflict between yourself and others
  • To encourage people to air their differences freely by discussing on-the-job problem situations between departments

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  Meet with person from other department to discuss details of problem situation.  Bring problem situation documentation to seminar on problem solving.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To learn the importance of performance appraisal documentation for making employment decisions
  • How to set performance standards and prepare for a performance appraisal
  • How to avoid rating errors and claims of negligent appraisal
  • How to use descriptive vs. associative language in writing appraisals
  • How to give a performance appraisal interview

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  Review your last direct report appraisal for associative language.
Time: 6 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To learn the steps in the progressive discipline process
  • How to avoid claims of defamation, negligent retention and termination
  • How to prepare for disciplinary action and termination interviews
  • How to conduct a disciplinary action interview
  • To practice supporting your reasons for disciplinary action

Pre-work:  None
Assignment:  None
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To identify work-related problems and the effect they have on others
  • To find the root cause of the problems and contributing factors
  • To brainstorm solutions to the problems and set criteria for quality decisions
  • To analyze how your decision impacts on others
  • To learn the force-field analysis method for researching problems by analyzing the driving and restraining forces for implementing your decision

Pre-work:  Bring in the problems identified in the Conflict Resolution seminar.
Assignment:  Meet with your manager and members of both departments to discuss solutions and implementation plans.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To learn the Process Improvement Cycle
  • To identify customer needs and expectations
  • To analyze and improve the processes that deliver quality
  • To establish a customer feedback process
  • To implement methods for evaluating quality and continuous improvement

Pre-work:  Identify an internal process that needs improvement
Assignment:  Create a project plan and implement the plan for improving quality in the service or product you deliver.
Time: 4 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To set priorities, stay focused and handle conflicting priorities
  • To increase efficiency by identifying value-added work, eliminating unnecessary work and simplifying the way work is done
  • To find ways to minimize unnecessary interruptions
  • To learn when and how to say “no” to low priority tasks and negotiate unreasonable demands
  • To delegate work to others effectively

Pre-work:  Complete MMP survey, have direct reports complete survey and compare results.
Assignment:  Periodically do MMP survey with staff to measure improvement and identify time management problems.
Time: 6 hours


Learning Objectives:

  • To organize a project into:  project definition statement, objectives and tasks
  • To learn the project tracking methods of Critical Path
  • To learn how to do a PERT and GANTT chart
  • To learn how to monitor and control a project

Pre-work:  Bring a project to class that you are presently working on or will be working on in the future.  Or, use the problem identified in either the problem solving or the continuous improvement seminar and use that as an example.

Assignment:  Complete implementation plan and compare actual results to your planned schedule.  If you went off schedule, determine what went wrong and why.  Meet with manager and team members to discuss plan for improving your on-time project record.    

Time: 6 hours

(516) 528-8865


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