The workshop is designed to help individuals deal with different and difficult personality types in the workplace. It uses the Myers Briggs Type Indicator as an assessment tool to gain insights into how personality affects the way you see and react to the world. You still may not like those difficult types you have to deal with, but at best you will begin to understand why they act the way they do. And that is half the battle.
Participants will learn:
Your personality type according to Myers Briggs
The typical characteristics of different personality types
The relationship between personality and communication style
How to communicate effectively with different personalities
How personality work styles affect the workplace
How to interact effectively with different personalities on your team
How to apply various techniques for handling personality clashes
To distinguish between someone who is being difficult at the time or someone who is a difficult person
This program can be used as part of a team building effort, customer service training and supervisory/management skills series.
Who Should Attend: All employees
Methodology: This program utilizes video, group discussion, structured exercises, practice exercises, self-assessment tool (MBTI) and a question and answer segment.